Hear From Our 2022/23 Interns

Hear From Our 2022/23 Interns

A number of interns were able to join the Institute this year, thanks to generous support from the IHR Trust. Interns worked alongside IHR Fellows on varying research projects, from transcribing oral history interviews on Windrush, to working on the history of...
Place-based public history in the Highlands and Islands 

Place-based public history in the Highlands and Islands 

Juliette Desportes has recently finished a collaborative internship between the IHR’s Centre for the History of People, Place and Community and the University of the Highlands and Island’s Centre for History. In this blog post she reflects on the findings of this...
Henry VIII and the IHR Library

Henry VIII and the IHR Library

This blog post was written by Sophia Benko, Graduate Trainee Library Assistant at the IHR Wohl Library. While librarians always live in fear of fire destroying their collections, in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s First Folio, I would like to...
First Impressions of the IHR Wohl Library

First Impressions of the IHR Wohl Library

This blog was written in October by Sophia Benko, Graduate Trainee Library Assistant at the IHR Wohl Library. To celebrate having worked at the IHR library for a month, I would like to share my experiences of the Wohl Library and my journey here. Having moved around...