About & Contribute
Mission Statement
On History is a digital magazine produced by the Institute of Historical Research, the UK’s national centre for the study of history. Our aim is to publish accessible and engaging articles that reflect on contemporary issues facing our discipline and deepen public understandings of the past. We commission content from leading scholars, historians, early career researchers and students, and host interviews, podcasts and multimedia content curated as special ‘features’ for our site.
We feature creative and innovative research in progress, and offer news about latest publications and reviews. We also profile learning and engagement projects, and provide updates on the ongoing work of the Institute, its partner organisations, members, seminars, students, researchers and supporters.
Our aim is to provide our community of readers, listeners and subscribers with the latest news about what’s happening in the discipline; to share research and works-in-progress with a general audience; and support the creative and innovative practice of public history. On History promotes the value of historical research and historical learning, and is intended to serve as a forum that can create dialogues, draw attention to new thinking, and promote original agendas of study.
Audience & Community
Our community includes students, postgraduate researchers, early career academics, more senior scholars, local and public historians, as well as our partners who support and enable historical research, publishing and heritage projects. Our community also includes teachers, heritage workers, journalists, policy makers and members of the wider public with an interest in history.
Our community is diverse and inclusive. We encourage and support not only an appreciation for the study of marginalised voices and experiences, we also strive to create a digital environment that is respectful and welcoming of all, regardless of gender, race, LGBTQ+ identity, religious or political belief, or background.
Guidelines for Contributors
We encourage the submission of pieces between 500 and 1200 words in length. Longer feature pieces will be accepted at the discretion of the editors. To submit a proposal, please contact ihr.webmaster@sas.ac.uk.