Image Copyright – An Introduction

The Permissions Controller for the digitisation of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England, Rachael Lazenby, has written an introductory guide to copyright for images, drawing on her experience on this project and on other work that she has done. This...

James Bettley on RCHME, Essex

This post first appeared on our British History Online blog. British History Online is currently making freely available all the inventory volumes of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England: Following the publication of the RCHME, Essex volumes on...

Rezensieren – Kommentieren – Bloggen

The week before last I was in Munich, at the Rezensieren – Kommentieren – Bloggen conference organised to celebrate the second anniversary of, the online review platform for European History. The IHR’s Reviews in History is a partner in...

Memorial Photography

I recently went to the Death exhibition at the Wellcome Collection, just up the road from the IHR. The exhibition shows highlights from the collection of Richard Harris; it is free but, on the Saturday afternoon I chose, there was quite a queue. I particularly enjoyed...

Our Inscribe online palaeography tutorial goes live

After a period of testing, the introductory module of the new free online course on Palaeography and Manuscript Studies is now available. InScribe provides a set of materials suitable both for someone interested in exploring Palaeography for the first time, as well as...