Unlocking the Records of London’s Medieval Foreign Trade

Unlocking the Records of London’s Medieval Foreign Trade

This blog post was written by Dr Stephen Gadd, Software Developer and GIS Consultant. The IHR’s Centre for the History of People, Place and Community has been carrying out some exploratory research on the potential of analysing London’s medieval customs accounts...

From Marx to Metrics in Latin America’s Economic History

Latin American History2 October 2012John Coatsworth (Columbia)From Marx to Metrics in Latin America’s Economic History  Since World War Two many conflicting, opposing, or parallel approaches toward understanding economic history in Latin America have received weight...

Don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth…

We’re close enough to Christmas for everyone to be aware of the subtle status games and power struggles involved in the ostensibly altruistic process of present-giving. Reassuringly, Ilana Krausman Ben-Amos’s new book The Culture of Giving: Informal...