History SPOT (sneak-peak)

History SPOT will soon be our new home for the IHR research seminar podcasts, live streamed events and online research training materials.  It will also be a place where you can discuss these resources further and interact with others who share your interest in these...

Online History Courses

At the workshop held by the IHR on Tuesday this week we held presentations from myself, my colleagues at the IHR Simon Trafford and Mark Merry (IHR Training), and Chris Williams, Stuart Mitchell, and Wendy Mears from the Open University History MA course.  Over the...

SPOT Newsletter: 17 November 2010

“Wrong target, using the wrong methods” is the message in the first of this fortnight’s SPOT Newsletter podcasts.  From a lifetimes’ involvement in sport policies largely at the universities of Loughborough and Gloucestershire, Michael Collins discusses the sports...

SPOT Newsletter: 3 November 2010

How is it that a man cannot avoid getting drunk with washer women when he knows his job is threatened by it?  Why does a thief running from a crime scene stop to buy a hat?  These are just some of the questions that Peter Andersson asks in his exploration of social...

SPOT Newsletter: 19 October 2010

 27 September – 15 October 2010 On 27 September Clare Mulley presented a paper to the Voluntary Action History Seminar on the philanthropist and founder of Save the Children, Eglantyne Jebb .  Based upon her recent award-winning biography: The woman who save the...