History SPOT will soon be our new home for the IHR research seminar podcasts, live streamed events and online research training materials.  It will also be a place where you can discuss these resources further and interact with others who share your interest in these topics.  We very much hope that History SPOT will grow into a useful and even essential resource for historians from the UK and indeed the world. 

As I explained yesterday we should soon be in a position to announce a launch date, but in the meantime here are a few screenshots from the platform.


History SPOT Front Page

History SPOT Podcast Page


Historical Research Handbook

Collaborate – creating a webpage (view)

Tomorrow sees the start of our annual Anglo-American Conference.  This year the subject is Health in History which should be both an interesting topic in itself and a highly topical one considering the current Health bill being discussed in Parliament.  This is an event that we will be podcasting which means a short pause in my posts concerning last week’s workshop on online training.  I’ll begin again next week with a brief synopsis of the presentation given by my colleagues Mark Merry and Simon Trafford.