May 7, 2019
Competition for 2019 has now closed; winners will be announced. The Pollard Prize is awarded annually for the best paper presented at an Institute of Historical Research seminar by a postgraduate student or by a researcher within one year of completing the PhD. The...
Jan 28, 2019
By Lawrence Black Much recent work on consumerism, from Frank Trentmann on things, to Bethany Moreton’s brilliant study of Walmart, through to Robert Miller’s anthropological work, has creatively and productively entangled shopping, politics, everyday life and...
Nov 29, 2018
By Anaïs Waag Until very recently medieval studies was dominated by the perception that women were actively kept away from political power – a notion we owe mainly to nineteenth-century historians. While there was undoubtedly a preference for male rulers throughout...
Oct 4, 2018
By Evan T. Jones John Cabot’s 1497 ‘discovery’ of North America has been famous since Elizabethan times. When Richard Hakluyt published Divers Voyages (1582), the expedition took centre stage. Hakluyt argued that England had ‘title’ to North America because Cabot had...
Sep 14, 2018
The winner of the 2018 Pollard Prize for the best paper given to an IHR seminar by a post-graduate or early career researcher was Anna Maguire for ‘”You Wouldn’t Want Your Daughter Marrying One”: Parental Intervention into Mixed Race Relationships in...
Aug 29, 2018
By Clare Makepeace There is no historical source I enjoy reading more than personal correspondence. It is so deliciously intimate, being a private communication between two individuals. It must also must satisfy a slightly wicked streak in me because I take a certain...
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