A series of six new public seminars on current issues raised by the study of the past.
Wolfson Room I, IHR
Seminar: 6-7.30pm
Refreshments: 7.30-8.30pm
Welcome: Lawrence Goldman
Chair: Daniel Snowman
14 October 2015: History, history, everywhere… The apparent paradox that, alongside the recent growth of popular interest in history, many people also seem to lack a sense of the continuity between past and present.
Panel: Ronald Hutton, Paul Lay, David Reynolds, Pat Thane
11 November 2015: History as Heritage: The preservation, distortion and commercialisation of the past.
Panel:Roger Bowdler, Robert Hewison, Anna-Maria Misra, Simon Thurley
9 December 2015: Does the ‘Real’ Past Matter?: The history and function of historical myth.
Panel:Peter Burke, Justin Champion, Adam Sutcliffe, Simon Dixon
13 January 2016: Rewriting the Past: The need felt in each generation to reconfigure the past.
Panel: Penelope Corfield, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Ian Kershaw, Jonathan Steinberg
10 February 2016: Pictures of the Past: How far can artworks provide a pathway – or a stumbling block – towards understanding the past.?
Panel: Vic Gatrell, Simon Goldhill, Marion Kant, Simon Shaw-Miller
9 March 2016: Uses and Abuses of the Past: History as ideology, consolation, nostalgia, vindication, identity, revenge. Where does ‘History’ go from here?
Panel: Anne Curry, Peter Hennessy, Paul Preston, Donald Sassoon
Registration for this seminar series is required.
Tickets are £5 per session.
Free for the Friends of the IHR.
To register for a seminar visit the University of London online store.
For any queries, please contact the IHR Events Office: IHR.Events@sas.ac.uk