An unrealized cult? Hagiography and Norman ducal genealogy in twelfth-century England. Ilya Afanasyev
Two oaths of the community in 1258. Joshua Hey
Bishop William Laud and the parliament of 1626. Mark Parry
‘Now the mask is taken off’: Jacobitism and colonial New England, 1702–27. David Parrish
Religion, politics and patronage in the late Hanoverian navy, c.1780–c.1820. Gareth Atkins
Through French eyes: Victorian cities in the eighteen-forties viewed by Léon Faucher. Philip Morey
Representing commodified space: maps, leases, auctions and ‘narrations’ of property in Delhi, c.1900−47. Anish Vanaik
Herbert Read and the fluid memory of the First World War: poetry, prose and polemic. Matthew S. Adams
The creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance as seen from the Romanian archives. Elena Dragomir