We are pleased to announce that British History Online has been awarded funding by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) under strand B, ‘Enhancing the Sustainability of Digital Collections’, of the 16/11 Digital Infrastructure call.
Entitled ‘Developing a sustainability index using British History Online (ISURV)’, this project will investigate the creation of a sustainability index which can be used to compare the performance of functionality of sub-site areas, a whole site, or even between separate sites.
Its core objectives include:
- giving senior managers a richer set of performance indicators and attempting to better communicate the value of digital products upwards
- use the results to promote service excellence across the field of digital humanities
- large scale user engagement
- encourage (challenge?) historians to adopt new tools and techniques for navigating and locating content
- attempt to communicate to both audiences, i.e. senior managers and users, to create a positive environment for the product
You can keep up to date with the project, and learn how to take part, by following this blog.