Over the summer IHR Digital benefited greatly from the contribution of Michelle Nash, who had come from the United States to work at the IHR as an intern. We were not short of jobs for Michelle to do, and she carried them all out with great willingness and competence. For British History Online she researched our forthcoming timelines for Edward VI and Mary I, and also did sterling work helping to reunite entries from Rymer’s Foedera which our keyers had not been able to connect to the relevant Syllabus summary. Michelle also helped with the onerous data transfer of Reviews in History to a new server, and checked many bibliographic references for the RHS Bibliography.
Lastly she tried her best to empathise with the rollercoaster of office emotions as the Ashes series played out. We are very happy to be able to put on record our thanks to Michelle for all her work and our very best wishes for the future.
This would also be a good moment to express our thanks to two pupils from Cheadle Hume school, Olivia Brooke and Oliver Johnson, who spent three days at the IHR in August. They tried their hands at the various tasks thrown at them by the IHR Digital department – an experience of office life which we hope they found useful.