Two review articles are published this week.
The first, by Katrina Gulliver, is concerned with the colonizer/colonized relationship and how individuals and groups negotiated their space in conflict, spanning the period from earlier colonization to the brink of the American Revolution. The three books covered are Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America by Peter Silver, Brothers Among Nations: The Pursuit of Intercultural Alliances in Early America 1580-1660 by Cynthia J. Van Zandt and American Leviathan: Empire, Nation, and the Revolutionary Frontier by Patrick Griffin.
In the second piece Andrew Dilley reviews two books taking new historical approaches to Australia and Canada’s experiences of empire, namely Australia’s Empire edited by Deryck M. Schreuder and Stuart Ward and Canada and the British Empire, edited by P. Buckner.
As ever, please feel free to send all comments, including suggestions for books you would like to see on Reviews in History to or