Research seminar 2011-12 programme and venue (update)

The 2011-2012 IHR research seminars are just around the corner.  Last month I updated this site with a list of seminar groups who had already posted their new programme online and new locations due to the relocation of the IHR.  It looks to be a fantastic and diverse...

Useful online sources about Victorian Women

Christine D. Myers (Franklin University) has produced a useful bibliography of online resources for the study of Victorian women (in Women’s History Review, 18:5, 2009). Intended as a guide for teaching courses the bibliography is wide ranging and covers...

The Trower Collection online – the work of a painter/botanist

Charlotte Trower (1855-1928) is a little-known amateur botanical artist who worked with another amateur botanist George Druce to produce over 1,800 scientifically accurate watercolours of British flora. Her life, art, and her collection are outlined in a recent...