Harrington, petitioning and the construction of public opinion

Harrington, petitioning and the construction of public opinionEdward Vallance (University of Roehampton)Franco-British History seminar8 November 2012Abstract: Historians have noted that the republic depicted in Harrington’s ‘Oceana’ (1656) allowed...

Rethinking Historical Research in the Digital Age: A TEI Approach

Rethinking Historical Research in the Digital Age: A TEI Approach, Camille Desenclos (ENC, Sorbonne) Digital History seminar (9 October 2012) Abstract: Historical research cannot be conceived without a close relation to physical text:  paper is still the main source....

Food in History – Anglo-American conference 2013 Day 2 podcasts

Day two of the 82nd Anglo-American conference of Historians continued the wide-ranging discussion of food throughout history.  From the second day we recorded two plenary talks and a lunch time policy forum.  These are now available as podcasts on History SPOT. Policy...

Food in History – Anglo-American conference 2013 Day 1 podcasts

Day one of the 82nd Anglo-American conference of Historians is now over and has already produced a lot of debate and discussion.  The topic this year is food in history and we have two plenary sessions for you as podcasts.  These are fascinating talks by two scholars...