What is a City? The English experience (Anglo-American 2009)

Anglo-American conference 2009What is a City? The English experience John Beckett (Centre for Local History, IHR)2 July 2009Abstract: This paper will present an overview, concluding that England has two leagues of cities: a largely medieval league of what are now...

SPOT Newsletter: 26 October 2011

Sport and Leisure History20 June 2011Football and National Identity in Post-War England Christoph Wagner (De Montfort University)Huns vs Inselaffen: Anglo-German Football Rivalry, 1954-2000 In the 1950s and 1960s how was the rivalry between England and Germany in...

Football and National Identity in Post-War England

The rivalry with Germany has become legend for generations of English football fans. English victory in 1966 against their ‘old enemy’ continues to remind fans of a golden age – a moment to cling to and strive for. The two papers presented under the umbrella topic...