The IHR and parliamentary data

The Institute of Historical Research has a long association with UK parliamentary data in digital form. We see our involvement in the Dilipad project as continuing with work we’ve had an interest in for some time: British History Online, our digital library, is...

UK Hansards in PoliticalMashup format

[Cross-posted from PoliticalMashup] Debates of the House of Lords and House of Commons from 1935 until “yesterday” are available in the XML format developed within the PoliticalMashup project. The debates are available as one dump of XML files and through a...

Digging into Linked Parliamentary Data

We were delighted to hear on 15 January that the IHR, along with the universities of Amsterdam and Toronto, King’s College London and the History of Parliament Trust, has been awarded funding by the international Digging into Data Challenge 2013. ‘Digging...