Update on the IHR redevelopment

Miles Taylor, Director of the IHR recently hosted a site tour of the IHR to view progress on the redevelopment. The group went through the entire IHR from top to bottom, which provided a clear idea of the IHR’s new spacial footprint in Senate House’s North...

The newest Friends Committee Member: Kelly Spring

A less well-known, but integral part of the Institute of Historical Research is its Friends programme. Founded to support the aims of the Institute, the Friends bring together individuals from the academic community and beyond to foster the growth and development of...

Donation from the American Friends of the IHR

As the forthcoming issue of Past and Future details, a donation from the American Friends of the IHR  has enabled the IHR library to purchase a collection of printed sources from the acclaimed (expensive) publisher Pickering & Chatto.  All in all four different...

Friends Film Evening: The Duchess (2008)

The Friends of the IHR will be hosting another of its popular film evenings on 17 February at 5:30.  Professor Penelope Corfield, Professor Emeritus, Royal Holloway, University of London will be presenting the film. Georgina Cavendish, The Duchess of Devonshire, was...