Letters of Queen Victoria 1837-1861, Volume I

B.791 VIC/A Letters of Queen Victoria 1837-1861, Volume I Over summer, our Wohl Library intern, Rachel Moore, spent some time looking at our collections of letters relating to Queen Victoria.  In this post, she looks at the publishing project inaugurated by Edward...

Cecil Papers and Documents on British Policy Overseas digital trials

Although the majority of our library consists of books and journals, we also provide access to a large number of digital resources for readers physically in the building or, in the case of the Churchill Papers, remotely for members of the library. We are also keen, as...
Casting Churchill

Casting Churchill

The IHR Wohl Library now offers access to the digitized archive of the private papers of Sir Winston Churchill, both within the library and remotely to holders of a membership card. The archive, which contains some 800,000 items, is an extraordinarily rich resource,...

Being Human: Night at the Library

We would like to thank regular Friday night library readers for their induldgence over a few evenings in November. Regular visitors to the library may have noticed the odd room closed for mysterious purposes, spotted our Low Countries post-doctoral fellow poring over...

History Day 2016

What is History Day? And how can it help your research? Historical research requires a rich ecosystem of libraries, archives, associations, publishers and other organisations to flourish. Part of the process of becoming a historian, or understaking research with a...