Web archives as big data

Peter Webster, a member of the project team, here reflects on the conference we held at the IHR on 3 December. Peter writes: In early December the project held an excellent day conference on the theme of web archives as big data. A good part of the day was taken up...

Why argumentation?

Here is a blog post by project team member Nona Naderi. We study argumentation to understand how arguments are related and interact with one another. This kind of analysis allows for better interpretation of human reasoning. Here is an example from Araucaria, a corpus...

Big Data in the Humanities: lessons from papyrus and Instagram

This is a cross-posting of an item that our colleague Josh Cowls has just written for his own blog. Thanks to Josh for permission to repost here.   I’m currently in Washington DC to attend the IEEE International Conference on Big Data. The first day is set...

Search results for historical material

This is a guest post by Jaspreet Singh, a researcher at the L3S Research Center in Hanover. Jaspreet writes: When people use a commercial search engine to search for information, they represent their intent using a set of keywords. In most cases this is to quickly...