Are you an early-career researcher / practitioner? Would you like to help shape the new Centre for the History of People, Place and Community at the Institute of Historical Research?
We’re looking for two early-career representatives to join the founding Advisory Board for our new Centre for the History of People, Place and Community.
The Centre brings together the IHR’s long-standing expertise in local history, and in urban and metropolitan history, with an emphasis on inter-disciplinary approaches, engaged and participatory research, and innovative or practice-led methods.
You can read more about the Centre for the History of People, Place and Community on the IHR website. You could also discover more about the Centre by attending our launch event — ‘History and Place-Making’ — on 25 September 2019, for which free booking is now open.
The Advisory Board will help the Centre shape its strategy and aims, and will support its outward-looking focus, making connections and starting conversations across academia and beyond. Currently, the Advisory Board members are:
- John Cattell, National Head of Research, Historic England
- Matthew Davies, Professor of Urban History and Executive Dean, School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of London
- David Killingray, Chair of the Trustees, British Association for Local History; Emeritus Professor of Modern History, Goldsmiths, University of London
- Nayan Kulkarni, Artist
- Keith Lilley, Professor in the School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast; Chair, Historic Towns Trust
- Leanne O’Boyle, Head of Cultural and Visitor Strategy, City of London Corporation
- Nino Strachey, Head of Research and Specialist Advice, National Trust
- Roey Sweet, Professor of Urban History, University of Leicester
- Joanna Terry, Head of Archives and Heritage, Staffordshire County Council
We are seeking two early-career representatives to join the Advisory Board for a single (one-year) term. We are hoping this will help us draw fresh and imaginative new perspectives into our Centre planning and development.
We also hope this could present a positive service and career-development opportunity. In effect, this will involve attending one meeting (and no further obligations or work outside this). You must be available to attend the Advisory Board meeting on Monday 18 November, 2019, 2.30-4.30pm. There is no fee for members of the Advisory Board, but the IHR will pay all reasonable expenses.

How to apply
If you are interested in this Advisory Board role, please apply by 23.59 on Monday 30 September, 2019. You should send a short email to, with the subject line ‘EC AB application’, including the following information:
1. Your name, contact details and current or most recent institutional affiliation (this does not need to be a university).
2. A statement (maximum 100 words) explaining why you consider yourself to be ‘early career’ (we have no fixed eligibility criteria).
3. A statement (maximum 400 words) explaining why you would be interested in the Advisory Board role. This should include detail of any relevant interests or experience (academic or otherwise).
4. Confirmation that you are able to attend the Advisory Board meeting on 18 November.
Thank you for your interest.