The May 2012 issue of Historical Research (lxxxv, no. 228) is now available. Contents include:
The politics of remorse: penance and royal piety in the reign of Æthelred the Unready. Catherine Cubitt
The Montfortian bishops and the justification of conciliar government in 1264. Sophie Ambler
Mendicant order politics and the status of Christ’s shed blood. Antonia Fitzpatrick
Information, disinformation and political knowledge under Henry VII and early Henry VIII. C. S. L. Davies
Exclusive oratories and magnificent pagodas: the Anglican proprietary chapels of eighteenth-century Bath. Daniel Cummins
Supplied by the enemy: the Royal Navy and the British consular service in the Baltic, 1808–12. James Davey
Conservative veteran M.P.s and the ‘lost generation’ narrative after the First World War. Richard Carr
The Liberals and Afghanistan, 1878–80. Christopher Wallace
A catalyst for secession? European divisions on the parliamentary right of the Labour party 1962–72 and the schism of British social democracy. Stephen C. Meredith