I’m just on my way home from a very productive meeting with all the projects in this JISC sustainability strand. One of the activities during the day was building an one minute “elevator pitch” for the project, using the Pitch Builder from Harvard Business School. And so – here it is:
“AADDA is a joint venture between the IHR, the British Library and the University of Cambridge. It aims to transform the way in which humanities and social science researchers interact with the single most important archive of .uk web materials. It will develop innovative tools for analytical access to 40TB of primary data from UK webspace (1996-2010) and as a result will allow scholars to ask hitherto impossible questions of a singularly significant dataset. The archival record of contemporary Britain has increasingly migrated to a digital-only environment. The sheer volume of the record now requires new tools to render it accessible to scholars, and to unlock this unique and largely unexplored resource. In the next year, we will draw on a committed group of researchers to guide the British Library in the specification and development of tools for the analysis of the domain archive. Use cases arising from the project will be integral to the Library’s sustainability strategy for the archive.”
Author; Peter Webster
Originally published 14/03/2012