The following new articles are available in the Early View issue of Historical Research:
The South Sea Company and its plan for a naval expedition in 1712. Shinsuke Satsuma
‘A Warning Against Quack Doctors’: the Old Bailey trial of Indian oculists, 1893. Sumita Mukherjee
Exclusive oratories and magnificent pagodas: the Anglican proprietary chapels of eighteenth-century Bath. Daniel Cummins
Supplied by the enemy: the Royal Navy and the British consular service in the Baltic, 1808–12. James Davey
British Unionism, the constitution and the referendum, c.1907–14. Kevin Manton
The Montfortian bishops and the justification of conciliar government in 1264. Sophie Ambler
Medicalizing the female reproductive cycle in rural Ireland, 1926–56. Ciara Breathnach