Thurloe and the Secret Room
The British Postal Museum & Archive (2011-12-05)
John Thurloe, whose state papers are available on BHO, was the first postmaster general and is reported to have opened and read all of the post every night.
Eleanor Mosley and Other Milliners in the City of London Companies 1700–1750
Hist Workshop J (2011) 71 (2011-03-20)
Many of BHO’s London resources provide background for this article, which points to the significance of marriage as a means of acquiring Company membership for both women and men.
The Possible Identity of Ben Jonson’s ‘Love Lady’
Notes and Queries (2011) 58 (2011-04-15)
The author draws extensively on various BHO sources to piece together the identity of Ben Jonson’s ‘Love Lady’.
The Thrift
The Auld from Reekie (2011-12-04)
A dilapidated and remote cottage on the Willey Estate in Shropshire was the centre of family life for this blogger.
Tuesday 10 November 1668
The Diary of Samuel Pepys (2011-11-10)
The adjournment of Parliament (from the Journal of the House of Lords) goes unnoticed as Samuel Pepys gives an intimate view of the crisis in his marriage.