
Day two of the 82nd Anglo-American conference of Historians continued the wide-ranging discussion of food throughout history.  From the second day we recorded two plenary talks and a lunch time policy forum.  These are now available as podcasts on History SPOT.

Policy Forum: The politics of food: past, present and future
Chair: Frank Trentmann (Birkbeck/Institute of Sustainable consumption, University of Manchester)
David Barling (Centre for Food Policy, City University)
Annabel Allott (Soil Association)
Keir Waddington (University of Cardiff)
Craig Sams (Green & Blacks)
Susanne Friedberg (Dartmouth College): Moral economies and the cold chain
Cormac O’Grada (University College Dublin): Famine is not the problem: an historical perspective

All podcasts from the plenary sessions of the Anglo-American conference are available on History SPOT under the Anglo-American Food in History section.  For more information about the conference see our Anglo-American conference website.