After last week’s break, Reviews returns this week with four new books under discussion.

Two of these are on Victorian England, with Victoria Le Fevre reviewing (no. 759, with reply here) Kathleen Callanan Martin’s Hard and Unreal Advice: Mothers, Social Science and the Victorian Poverty Experts, and Stuart Jones taking on (review no. 757) The Invention of Altruism: Making Moral Meanings in Victorian Britain by Thomas Dixon. His reply can be found here.

In addition, the book of Simon Schama’s The American Future: a History televison series is analysed (review no. 756) by Nicholas Guyatt, while Messay Kebede’s Radicalism and Cultural Dislocation in Ethiopia, covering the radically different topic of student radicalism in 1960s and 1970s Ethiopia, is the subject of a review (no. 758) by Richard Reid. Professor Kebede replies here.

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